Smith Family Christmas 2013 in Review: Santa and Elf Need Geritol


Mike Smith – proofreader, editor, and tech half of The Village Smith. Oh. And, of course, Santa Claus. The wording in the circle says, “Does this suit make me look fat?”

Christmas had a special glow this year, as evidenced by our pictorial review. Though Mike and I were so tired we could hardly stand by the end, it was worth it. Collapsing later with 12-year-old granddaughter Montana and watching “Despicable Me 2” was the icing on the cake. Love those minions, don’t you?

The gift that brought the most fun was the Jelly Belly dispenser for Mike and me and the Mickey Mouse snow globe I got for free from J.C. Penny. Mike and I are entering our second childhood, apparently. We’re easily entertained.


Montana selected to be the first to pull the little Jelly Belly figurine and sample the Jelly Bellys. The look says, “You mean me? For real?”


The proof is in the pudding. Or, in this case, the bean. When I asked Montana who was the most famous person to put these jelly beans on the map, she didn’t know. When I told her the answer she said, “Who’s Ronald Reagan?” We took time out for a short history lesson. You just never know where a history lesson will crop up. Even on Christmas Day.

The gift that got the wryest look was the “chores board” for Montana from Books-A-Million. It listed chores to be done. (There were lots of them). And little button magnets to place beside each completed chore. Oh, she loved that one. (Not). But she was willing to give it a try since it was new and intriguing. Of course, she got games and clothes and art stuff, so it wasn’t exactly like getting coal in her stocking.


One look from a pre-teen is worth a thousand words.


Montana’s always been a good little artist. This year she wanted art books and art supplies. Says she wants to be an architect when she grows up. I told her she has to graduate high school first, so don’t start kissing boys. “GRANDMA!” comes the outraged squeal. “YUK!” — Okay, kid, I say. Just remember the yuk a couple of years from now.

I never could get a family picture. Nobody would stand still or shut up. So I had to leap around like a swashbuckler to get any pictures. Naturally most of them blurred. But I got a few for memory’s sake.


Henry Smith

Here’s my football jock son, Henry. His sister, Michelle, still calls him Reedy, his childhood nickname. He’s a diehard Georgia Bulldogs and Atlanta Falcons fan through thick and thin. It’s been mostly thin, but Henry’s faithful.

As a teen, he loved teaching me football positions and how to throw a spiral. After a while I could come up out of a stance fast, and my long spirals were the envy of his football friends whose mothers frowned upon such un-feminine practices. But what a way to bond with your son, huh?!


Henry and Tammy Smith. I never got a clear picture of Tammy, my loving and helpful daughter-in-law and fellow movie buff.


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